A week after The Actor originally got "sick" he sent me the following text: [Just so you know, I keep ALL of my texts except ONE that I HAD to delete. It was x-rated and NO, sadly, I didn't mean to spell 'an x-ray.' it was bad! I'll probably not blog about that one, whew, it is one I hope to forget. Anyway, I'm sure my phone will get too full someday, but I will certainly delete other stuff first. Some of the things these guys text are just so unbelievably funny! LOL]. Ok back to the text he sent. I'll do some screenshots so I don't have to type it all out.
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[One thing that I find very amusing about online dating, is that it never fails, when you are on a date with another online dater you both seem to have a interest in each other's previous, funny online date stories. I always have a new, current story to tell and I have heard some real doozies as well!]
So naturally, I can't help but be drawn into the conversation. I'm easy. I know. So the conversation continues:
Ok, so now he is back to suggesting the very first idea he had for a date even before the $25 tickets to the musical. Let me recap. We met at the McD's on a Monday and talked about going out again on Friday (pending my decision to go out or not). I texted him that evening saying that I would be willing to go out with him on Friday. He sent me an email later that night saying, he thought Friday was a long way off, and if I wanted to or could, here were a few other ideas for earlier in the week. One of the ideas was this Phoenix Jazz Club. I remember that he mentioned it was inexpensive (now this was before I knew he was going to ask me if I was paying or was I expecting him to pay--see Act 2 blog). I do remember thinking it was odd that he was placing a value on the cost of the date, but just thought he was trying to say....ok, I really don't know what I thought he was trying to say. LOL I just do remember thinking it was kind of odd. But, I digress. I did note they had a vegetarian option on their menu that could easily be made vegan, so I WAS impressed with the place regardless of the prices on the menu. It just seemed like a place with a nice atmosphere. Something I would really enjoy. So now, you can see from the text that I did agree to go.
To put this conversation into a timeline. This text conversation is occurring on a Wednesday. We have made plans for the following Tuesday which is 6 days away. He does complete the text conversation by saying he will touch base with me on Monday to work out the details.
Now let me just say, it does occur to me after I commit to this date that I probably should NOT have fallen for The Actor's plan so easily. I do clearly remember thinking that I should have at least said, "Let me think about it," and then I should have done something really smart and called someone for wise counsel, like my sister, who would offer me many good reasons why I should not let this guy waltz right back into my life AND she ALWAYS seems to know how to guide me in just how to "say" something in a kind, diplomatic way to get out of these types of messes. See why it would have been a wise choice to call her. [She really could make a living doing something like that. Not sure what you would call a job like that, though. On second thought maybe I don't want her to do that for a living. There are a lot of jams that I do seem to get into that would end up costing me a fortune to get out of. I wonder if I would call her more or less often if I had to pay for the advice? Although, sister (if you are reading this), your advice IS worth whatever you might choose to charge. I better stop before I start losing ground here! Love you, sis.] And I actually think about how smart that would be....but I also think, "If I tell my sister about this conversation, she would surely tell me 'DON'T DO IT,'" Quite frankly, I really didn't want to hear that. So I rationalize, if I don't ask for her advice, I can't ever feel guilty that someone "told me so" when (not if) this turns out badly.
So, I don't text or talk to The Actor from Wednesday evening until I get a text from him on Monday. You can see what he said at the bottom of the screen:
So, it is Monday. We are to touch base to make final plans for our date on Tuesday. I like that he is going to call and talk to work out the details vs the endless texts.
So sometime after 7-ish he calls. And you will NOT believe what he tells me. No, he is not sick again. BUT, he does tell me that at around the same time as he had a first meeting with me, he also had a first meeting with another lady. He didn't realize (last week apparently, when he was texting me!) that they were going to really hit it off and so he was going to "see where it goes" with her. She did live closer to him so it would be more convenient for them to get together. He did say, he really hoped he was not making a mistake by not seeing if we would have been a good fit, because anyone who laughed as much as I did would sure have been fun to date, blah, blah, blah. He had NO idea how VERY happy he had just made me at that moment! Now, I would not have to worry about being sucked into his craziness and wily ways, if I did end up liking him. I really do believe God was watching over me. Taking care of me, even when I was not listening to his still, small SHOUT (which is what I believe that whole conversation I chose not to have with someone who could offer me perspective, wisdom and encouragement was).
As SO often happens, ok, let me rephrase that, as God is so faithful to do...my pastor's message was about this VERY subject! The subject of when you don't know what to do (idk?), you should have people in your life that will speak God's wisdom and truth into your life to help you do what is right. My Pastor also had the audacity to address the very issue of why I, at times, don't ask others for advice...it's because...I know what they will tell me and, quite frankly, I don't want to hear it! How does my pastor DO that? How does he seem to know what is going on in MY life, MY thoughts? Hummm. I am absolutely certain it is the Holy Spirit speaking God's truths to me through Godly people (like my pastor and my sister and others) in my life. Thank you to those of you who are so very willing to speak God's truth to me in love. I need you, even if sometimes I ACT like I don't.
Proverbs 15:22
New International Version (NIV)
Plans fail for lack of counsel,
To hear the awe-inspiring sermon on listening to wise counsel when idk? You can go to Heart of Life, my church's website, and look under media for the second sermon (11/17/13) in the "idk?" series. Enjoy!
It just occurred to me that I have referenced this sermon series twice and there were just two sermons up to this point in my adventures....apparently, God is up to something good in my life as it relates to decision-making.
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