Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A Delay

At about the sixth month mark following 'the life altering event' that led me to entertaining thoughts of remarriage, I was anxiously awaiting the first year to be over so I could start dating.  Never mind that at six months there were still days that I couldn't stop crying. This occurred most the day on some days, and happened more regularly than I wanted to acknowledge.  Just think how fun I would have been as a dating partner at that point?  Six months into widowhood was obviously not long enough for me to have adequately grieved nor to have allowed my daughter the time she needed.

So waiting for a year to be up before heading into the dating scene, was really one of the best pieces of advice that I received AND chose to follow.

Then that first anniversary that I couldn't wait to come and dreaded all at the same time, finally arrived.

My daughter and I spent the days prior to and on the anniversary of his death coming back from a mission trip to Taiwan.  [Incidentally, it was 5 days after a trip to Taiwan the previous year that my husband died of a Pulmonary Embolism.  Returning to Taiwan was a bittersweet reminder of that event but also served as a chance for my daughter and me to show ourselves that WE were capable of making a trip like this together.  I am truly thankful for all the spiritual support we had on that trip.]

The trip came while I was on a short break from my newest, latest escape from reality--graduate school.  (It dawned on me one day that I tend to dive into school when I am feeling overwhelmed with life.  How crazy is that!?!)  I had just completed my first summer semester and was headed into the first Fall semester of a Master's of Science in Nursing degree.  I quickly learned that the first Fall semester is the 'weeding' semester, so I had NO time to even think about anything but Advanced Nursing Assessment, Diagnostic Reasoning, Pathophysiology and some other class I can't even remember now.  That was the craziest, most insane four months of my entire life!
[Let me just insert right here, that the death of my husband/her father qualifies as THE WORST event EVER in my life.  Nothing else even comes close as a comparison.  So let's just put it in its own category and all the other comparisons I make from here on out are against everything else in my life, but not the death! Deal.]

So my first, actual, serious thoughts about dating didn't occur until I was well past the 18 month mark.  It is amazing how God orchestrates our lives, often saving us from ourselves.  Also, I think at that point, my daughter thought she was not going to have to deal with her mother's escapade into dating.  Little did she know, my determination would rear its ugly head well before the second year was up.

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